its been a little bit since my last post. from end of school, to finals to family stuff, my summer has started off ok..i've just been working, cuz irecently got a job at a dunkin/baskin in my area...but istill manage to hang with people and do my normal teenage stuffff...
ok, so iwas hanging out today, and iwas like damn, imiss the time ispent in my old dance studio..when iwas 4 1/2, iwent to my first dance class, and i've been doing it ever since..the classes were run by an 80year old woman (miss irene) and her 40something assistant teacher (miss dee)..iremember all my family and friends of family would come to my recitals, and for 7 years, iwon free lessons for a year, because my mom sold the most tickets, and thats the way it was for most of my childhood. it first started out as every saturday, and then iwas moved to the friday night class..and thats the way it was for a while...
so when iwas well into my 7th year of dance, iwas getting ready to achieve another goal, recieving my blackbelt. it required me to go to camp, but camp coincided with the weekend of my dance recital :/ ihad a decision to make: camp? or recital?
so ieventually decided to go to camp. icontinued taking dance classes every friday for the next couple of weeks. however, sometime during that period, ihad an was then that istopped going. istopped because iknew that iwouldnt be performing in the recital, so why should igo through with since then, inever went back to miss irene or miss dee..last summer istopped by the house one day, and she wants me to come back, but iknow in my heart, ican never go back..that was the foundation of my dance ability, but icant go back there, because iwont get the training iwant, iwant to do more advanced stuff, and miss irene is too traditional, and most of her dances are very babyish
so my dance career went on hiatus for about a year and a half..that is, until my freshman year of high school. the high school iattend has a dance program, and i've been in that program for the past 3 years. dance is something that inever want to stop doing, because its been a part of my life for as long as ican remember :)
well thats my little post for now, byeee :)<3
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